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how women experienced this journey

My journey of personal and spiritual development and inner discovery started 2 years ago when I discovered the gate to my inner world. After having spent one year in regular meditation, change of mindset, and development of personal goals, I thought that I was on the right track, which would also help me to heal the deeper wounds which I subconsciously knew were there. Then I met Andela. A friend of mine told me about her Sensual Self programme and that it would be mainly about self-discovery and self-love. I didn’t expect much when going there, just thought “well more self-love is definitely what I need”. As it happens often in life, the people or things of which you wouldn’t expect it, change you the most.


This might sound pathetic, but Andela’s workshop truly changed my life. From the very beginning of our journey, I knew that I could trust her in every respect. Before the workshop, I was convinced that I had already done most of my inner work. But she literally showed me how to open the gate and what is there to find.

She guided me to the deepest places of my soul, which helped me to finally find answers to very essential questions that have been bothering me throughout my life.*Even though I went through a lot of intense mental, emotional, and physical experiences, I never lost my trust in her. She held me and supported me at every point of the journey with a deeper knowledge of what I was going through. To me, this process of deep healing was the actual key for getting to know myself, identifying false core beliefs, connecting with my emotions and getting closer to finding the inner peace I have always been longing for.



 I met Angela on a festival where she was teaching and was immediately attracted to her. She seemed like an angel to me, her presence was engaging and my soul was called to her for guidance. Next to her I really feel myself, I feel the desire for love, the desire to not judge and to find and fully feel all the wounds and fears within me in order to transcend them. This meant that I usually cried when I was in deeper contact with her :D Through Angela’s course I opened the door towards myself and discovered an unknown place. I never expected to feel and perceive what I’m perceiving now.

I started the SensualSelf Program with the desire to come into closer contact with my body and I ended up in something much much bigger.

But my path was also difficult, more painful than I ever expected. In a very intimate circle of women we met each two weeks and did heart-womb meditations together. I used to cry every time. I released so so so many hidden wounds, fears, doubts about myself, sadness, unworthiness, self-punishment, judgements.... First Angela made me feel all these emotions which I held for so many years inside my heart – realizing that my poor heart all this time carried such a crushing weight - after that I had to deal with these uncomfortable feelings which I rejected before.

I won't lie: the following months were the hardest months of my life. There was no more beauty, I felt deeply lost, desperate and disrupted inside... for weeks and weeks there was a nameless hurt in my heart, body, soul, mind. But after this deep suffering I managed to “rescue myself” from this victim state. Before I was able to do this I had to plunge really deep into honest self love, I had to take care of my inner child and I had to understand that no one else but myself could save me. 

To support this on the outside, I made decisions about the position and influence of certain people in my life. From this adult place I’m now able to express myself more freely, I feel appreciation for my body and for life in general, I don’t depend anymore on the approval and judgements of others. I found my home, my inner truth and in alignment with that I’m now able to take decisions in my life and I feel so GOOD and FREE! I’m light, I'm love and I’m filled with the holy desire and appreciation  and I´m not only thinking, saying or writing it - I AM FEELING IT! I also discovered my feminine and masculine part in a new and nourishing way. And I feel carried and a part of something bigger. I´m here and here is my path. I’m full of trust and I feel newborn... Love never gets lost, because we´re filled with infinite love. Angela really helped me soften my heart and find this treasure of awareness in it

I brought peace to the relationship towards my parents, towards the father of my son... and most importantly: towards myself <3


"The more that I give, the more I´ve got to give!"


Ich bin endlich die, auf die ich immer gewartet habe.





It took me quite some time to write this text. Why? Because it is not easy for me  to find words that describe what Andela is able to do - what we are able to do.


 This w-o-n-d-e-r-ful human being -  connected to the divine power in an angel-like way - helped me to experience myself in a totally new way in a circle of fabulous women, to become able to listen deep enough to “hear” my wounds and fears and get into a direct dialogue with my body and soul fragments.

I am deeply grateful to Andela - for the safe space she creates where I can be myself to heal, or “blossom like a rose” , to put it in Andela’s words.

Andela is a great example for the fact that the age of a person doesn't determine someone’s maturity or wisdom. Because she is by far the wisest and most connected person/soul I was pleased to meet. And that with her being in her mid twenties.



I have never been a „spiritual“ person and due to great losses in my childhood, I have already quite early subconsciously chosen certain mechanisms to protect myself but which also numbed me. Just like so many people do.

At some point I realized this and I knew that I had to change something. Because if you numb the pain, you also numb the ability to feel alive and happy. So I started seeing a therapist, which helped me see some things clearer but all in all something was still missing. I still didn't feel alive and somehow held back. Also my relationships suffered from that because I wasn't able to really love someone, including myself.


Then I met Andela, or better: she found me. I wanted to take part in her workshop as a translator. But back then I was going through a rough phase and everything was simply too much for me to handle, so I quit. One year later I took part in the workshop as a participant, which was the best thing to do! After working and feeling through a lot of stuff in the workshop, I felt secure and safe in myself for the very first time. Losing my parents and other childhood wounds didn't define me anymore and I felt some kind of basic trust in myself, my abilities and the universe, which was all new to me.

I am endlessly grateful for this experience and for getting to know Andela! I can only recommend it to everyone, to take part in this journey and do the first step. For me it was really rewarding.


Andela saw me deeply and met me in a very lovely and personal way. Also the work within the group of women was important and enriched the experience a lot. I felt that I am not alone on my journey and the kind of energy that is created there is of another, significant quality, which completes the solo practices at home and the solo sessions with Andela in a perfect way.

I could still go on but I hope that this will give you an idea of what to expect and that my experiences will motivate you to take the first step on this journey towards more self love, inner independence and your true essence.

Thanks for everything, Andela <3



The Sensual Self Program is transformational on so many levels that I didn’t even know existed before.


First and foremost, all these soft and sweet, earth-shaking and sharp transformations happen because Andela holds a sacred, deeply dedicated space of pure love for each and every woman. She is so deeply connected to god|dess on the one side and to mother earth on the other side that grounding, and up-lifting happen simultaneously. She provides the space for you to feel everything that needs to be felt, layer for layer. It is a process of remembrance. Reminders of everything that is already there; inside our hearts and inside our wombs. It is, in the end, an on-going process of healing. 


Andela and the energies of women who come together in this circle support you. They support you and they give you the tools to step more into your own power, your innate womb wisdom and to fall deeper into the softness of divine love within. I’ve never felt so much in such density. Part of healing is also being brave enough to dive into the depths of your wounds. Deepest sadness, hurt and anger might come up in high concentrations. The release when these emotions are guided into love is indescribable. 


The Sensual Self Program is not just about feeling, it is also about understanding. You are learning more about your inner child and about how to read and detect your own patterns so that heart and mind can work together.

This program, this group of radically vulnerable and open women and Andela literally changed me forever. I was in a really dark place when I first met Andela. At the time when I left the Integration Retreat that followed the Sensual Self Program, I was in the brightest place I’ve ever been. I felt so profoundly purified, released of inheld trauma that wasn’t mine to carry on for another generation and so connected to my body and my soul.

I am finally able to make decisions that serve my highest purpose and I trust now. This might be one of the biggest achievements because everything begins and ends with trust. Trust in god|dess, in yourself and your relationships. I will be forever grateful for that. 


For every woman who feels called to join this program but doubts if it is the right timing, I can strongly recommend to simply follow that impulse to join the group. It probably comes from the right place and life might always provide you with time-consuming drama until you’re getting to the core of these challenges, which is exactly what will happen in this course. Be brave, beautiful woman, to dig deep and to heal so that you can radiate all the love that is already right there. In your heart and in your womb. 



As a totally head-centered person, I could not have imagined much of what would happen in Andela's workshops and what exactly her work is and what it does. Still, I have embarked on this adventure and I am so happy and proud that I did!


Today I  like my body and myself more than ever before. I am ok in myself, I am ok with myself. And I have finally learned a healthy way of meeting my emotions. I can highly recommend it to any woman. If you have a chance to get to know Andela and her work, do it!

It will change your life. And that is still an understatement.




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